ePin Voucher Login/Billing Splash Page

The ePin Voucher login provides the possibility to intergrates the QRecharge payment solution module into the TekiEazi WiFi portal. The Client can create different WiFi packages based on time or bandwidth usage.

These Client based WiFi packages can be displayed on the splash page when the user access your WiFi SSID. The system will create unique WiFi Voucher Codes allowing the visitor access to the WiFi.

The QRecharge payment allows the user to select and securely purchase a WiFi package via an online credit card transaction. The system’s transaction confirmation and WiFi access link WiFi is displayed on the device, while an email receipt is sent to the user with the payment details and the WIFI voucher pin code to login onto the WiFi.

Email Login with Customize Questions

The email login allows the user to login onto the WiFi by providing a valid email address. When the email address is entered the user will be provided a client defined amount of WiFi time. This allows the user time to receive a system verification email.

The user must confirm receipt of the email by clicking the email link in order to extend the WiFi access time. If the user does not confirm the email, the device is then disconnected from the system.

Customize questions allows the possibility to capture demographic statistics for analytics.


The Survey login allows the user to login onto the WiFi by completing one or more questions using emoticon grades voting system.

The system is also designed to identify return customers making

it perfect to help boost your business ratings.  WiFi Survey questions can be customized to suit your business.

The user must complete the questions to gain access to your WiFi.


WiFi Ads

Offer free Wi-Fi access in exchange for ad watching.

The WiFi Ads login allows the user to login onto the WiFi by watching Video Ads or view promotional offers.

The users must watch Video Ad or view Promotional Ad for a minimum time customize by the client in order to gain access to the WiFi.

WiFi login option can be combined with the Email Login option to maximize your WiFi potential.


Direct Device Access

The TekiEazi WiFi Management system provides the Client the possibility to quickly allow devices to access to WiFi.

The Client Administrator can surf to a special local site on the user’s device and access the TekiEazi Device Access Page. The Client will enter their Approval Code (password) to give the device access to the WiFi.

Hotel and Property Management Systems API

The TekiEazi system has a proven and tested application programming interface (API) to work with both the Atlas and Clarity Hotel Software and Property Management Systems. These software systems are used by several big hotel chains, like Diamond Resorts.

The TekiEazi system integrates with Atlas/Clarity which allows the guest to log on with their room number and last name. Based on the hotel’s WiFi policy, the TekiEazi system can be configured to the limit the number of devices allowed on the WiFi at the same time. This is an options requested by a hotel that had limited WiFi bandwidth.

A guests portal was developed allow the guest to manage the login on and off of their multiple devices.

Social Media Access

TekiEazi provides a social sign-on experience for users logging into WiFi hotspots. Similar to a business splash page experience, Clients can use a customized branded Facebook sign-on page to provide users WiFi access. Users can log on with their Facebook credentials, update their status, and/or ‘like’ the Client’s Facebook page (optional).

The TekiEazi Facebook application allows users to connect to a WiFi network using their Facebook Login. Thanks to “progressive engagement”, users are encouraged to “check-in” to connect, and are then redirected to the Business’ Facebook Page.

On the Facebook Page, users are 100% free to interact with the brand – by reading the Facebook Page timeline, sharing stories, and giving a Like to the Facebook Page.